Spring Checkup

Now is the time to carry out the Spring checkup on your pool. This will not only ensure it is ready for swimming when the weather heats up enough but also have a good opening balance for the upcoming Summer.

Obviously, every pool is different given the varying sizes, surfaces, filter,s and chlorinator types but the majority of steps are the same. By following our helpful tips, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a clean pool as the weather heats up.

Things you’ll need:

  • Water test kit

  • Cleaning Equipment (pool pole, brush, leaf rake, hose, vacuum head)

  • Balancing chemicals

Step 1: Test and chemically balance the water:

If you have a pool cover, you should remove it and test the pool water using a testing kit (or bring a sample into the shop). Give the pool cover a sweep before removing it so the leaves don’t fall into the water. Ideally, you’ll be testing all your levels, although the main ones to check (and ideal levels) are;

  • Chlorine - 1.5 (Cover on) - 3ppm (No cover/cover off)

  • pH - 7.4 - 7.6 (Lower for fibreglass surfaces)

  • Alkalinity - 80 - 120ppm

Step 2: Check your filtration system:

Checking your pump and filter for cracks, leaks, and noisy operation is important when you start to ramp up the hours of operation. Here is a quick checklist for your equipment.

Pump - check for leaks from underneath the pump (mechanical seal) and make sure the bearings aren’t too noisy. Clean the pump basket and check the pump lid for cracks. Ensure the lid o’ring is clean and lubricated.

Filter - check for leaks at the tank, collar, or through the multiport valve, and check the pressure is in the ideal range (backwash/clean if required)

Chlorinator - Check for leaks at the cell, clean any calcium build-up off the cell (clean with 1 part acid:10 parts water mix), check the terminals are in good condition and free of corrosion, check cell o’ring is clean and lubricated and the timer is holding the correct time.

Step 3: Inventory pool chemicals:

Do a quick check of your pool cleaning products and other chemicals to ensure that they aren’t out of date and that you have a good supply of critical items. Chlorine (liquid or powdered), Hydrochloric Acid, Algaecide, pH Buffer & Salt/Minerals (if required). Having a few extras on hand is always a good idea for any extreme weather events or just so you have the ability to quickly treat any imbalances that arise through extra usage.

Step 4: Check over your cleaning equipment:

  • Is your pool pole (and wishbone clip) in good condition? Does it extend all the way? Does it lock?

  • Are there any holes in your leaf rake (scoop)? Is it cracked or broken?

  • Check your pool brush to make sure the bristles aren’t coming out.

  • Do you have all the wheels on your vacuum head? Does it attach to the pool pole securely?

  • Are there any holes in your vacuum hose?

Step 5: Start the pump, then clean & shock the pool:

Once you’ve got everything you need, it’s time to clean the pool! Start the pump and add the pool chemicals that are required to balance. Starting the season it is a good idea to give the pool a chlorine shock. Manually vacuum the bottom of the pool and brush any step areas to remove built-up dust. Empty the skimmer baskets and run the pool pump for at least six hours.

“It’s cheaper to maintain your pool than treat it when it goes bad!”

To get the most enjoyment out of your pool this season, make sure you keep it clean and free from debris and make sure your chemical balances are within safe limits. Adjust your water balance and filtering times as needed to accommodate for more rainfall, swimmers or hotter temperatures.

By taking these small steps each week to care for your pool, it will be easier to maintain in the long run, and more enjoyable for the whole family as well.