How to make your pool sparkle

How do you clear cloudy pool water and make it sparkle? There are a few things that all work together to keep your water crystal clear including your water chemistry & filtration times.

Here are our top tips to keep your pool water sparkling!

Check your Water level

If it’s dropped below the middle of your skimmer box, give it a top-up with the hose. Filling it halfway up your skimmer will allow for proper circulation, which helps your filter remove impurities from the water!

quick Filter checkup

Getting sparkling pool water all season can be as easy as making sure your filtration system is operating and continues to run at its peak. An average pool should run for 6-8 hours per day in the summer, the pool filter works continuously to remove debris, contaminants, and other impurities from the water.

Similar to a vacuum cleaner after a while the build-up of waste in your filter will affect the flow. Poor flow results in poor circulation, which can then lead to cloudy water and algae outbreaks!

In preparation for summer, give your filter a checkup. This involves removing any hidden debris build-up and then giving it a clean with the recommended method for your filtration system.

If you have a sand filter, you’ll need to backwash your filter to flush out contaminants. During the swimming season, we recommend backwashing a sand or Activated Filter Media® (AFM) filter when the pressure gauge reads 10 psi above the normal operating level. Sand should be replaced every five years. AFM®, however, is expected to last the lifetime of your filter!

If you have a cartridge filter, remove the cartridges and check every few weeks and hose them down when necessary... you'll need to replace the cartridges every two to three years.

After giving your filter a thorough clean, we suggest adding a dose of BioGuard Filter Brite®. It will remove any remaining scale or waste deposits while also sanitising the filter media or cartridge. This product is suitable for all filtration systems and can also be used when you give your filter its annual deep clean.

Every filtration system is slightly different. If you need any assistance with your filter maintenance, give us a call or use the button below to request a service!

Test your water

Now that you’ve rejuvenated your filter, the next thing to tick off your list is water balance! We can test your pool or spa water using state-of-the-art computerised equipment to make sure you get the right balance. Once we've tested the water we can advise you on you'll need to correct any chemical imbalances.

We then recommend testing your water every week at home and in-store with us once a month. Staying on top of your water balance is the secret to saving money and achieving sparkling water all Summer!

This way we'll be able to keep your water safe, prevent damage to your surfaces and equipment, and allows your pool products to work most efficiently!

3-Step Program Kit

Tailored just for you, the 3-Step Program Kit will contain the following:

  1. A sanitiser for healthy water

  2. An oxidiser for sparkling water

  3. An algaecide for clean water

Getting the sparkle

Now let's get that extra sparkle!

An oxidiser is a product that works to remove and destroy swimmer wastes and organic contaminants in your water, keeping it crystal clear! We suggest BioGuard Lite® as an easy-to-use oxidiser that allows swimmers back in the water an hour after treatment.

If you're ready to take your pool water to the next level, you can also add a weekly dose of BioGuard Pool Complete™. It’s the final touch for any pool maintenance as its 3-in-1 formula keeps water super clear, prevents scum line build-up, and removes phosphates.

If you follow these simple steps, your pool water will sparkle all season!

Got questions?… Call us on (03) 9769 3252